This comes to us from Nathan Quattrini:As you all may know I am serious about becoming a filmmaker, and its time to go to extremes to chase that dream. I am starting a collection of normal sized aluminum cans (soda, beer,juice) to help fund buying equipment. Though it won`t buy a Red One camera or anything by any means, but every little bit helps take one step closer to the dream. So if you drink alot of canned beverages at home or in the workplace and would be willing to help me out, let me know. All I need is the cans to be rinsed, not crushed, and tossed in a trash bag that I can either pick up at scheduled intervals, or have tossed in my car at the RIFC meetings. Email me to work that out if interested and get your name in my credits as a special funding thanks.
I put together this short teaser for my first short film, but can`t actually edit it until I can afford an editing machine. Enjoy :)
Nathan A. Quattrini
NAQ Productions