This announcement comes courtesy of Anne at LDI casting:
OPEN HOUSE planned for Saturday - November 17 2:00–5:00PM. See the new LDI office! Have some food and drink - mingle with fellow actors and chat with Steve Feinberg, Director of RI Film and TV office and Michael Corrente, Film Director.
LDI Open House is doing double duty as a benefit for the Elizabeth Buffam Chace Center in Warwick. Bring one item from the list below and that will be your "ticket" in!
Elizabeth Buffam Chace Center is a safe, confidential shelter for women and children fleeing abusive relationships. Residents are provided with all basic needs (meals, linens, toiletries) and take part in a program that includes education about domestic violence, advocacy and referrals, in-house support and educational groups, parenting classes, specialized children’s services. For more info:
Diaper Wipes
Body Wash
Paper plates/cups
Table Napkins
Toilet paper
Latex and vinyl disposable gloves
Hand soap and sanitizer in pump containers (Refill size always welcome)
Cleaning supplies (Pine Sol, bleach, bathroom and shower cleaners, sponges) Refill size always welcome
Trash bags (13 gallon tall kitchen, 30 gallon large bags)
Laundry Detergent/liquid or powder
Fabric softener/Dryer sheets
Gift certificates in any amount:
WalMart, Target
Brooks/Rite Aid, CVS, Walgreens
Prepaid phone cards for landline phones/no cells
Burger King/McDonald’s/Wendy’s gift certificates
Journals, Spiral Bound notebooks